Today's Veterinary Practice

JUL-AUG 2012

Today's Veterinary Practice provides comprehensive information to keep every small animal practitioner up to date on companion animal medicine and surgery as well as practice building and management.

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SELECTING CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR YOUR PRACTICE TEAM | R esponse Team members often make decisions based on their own reasoning. Respond to this thought process by providing training that is relevant to the business and also blended with the needs and goals of the entire team. Ask your team members what is important to them and what training would be the most helpful. A veterinary clinic recently posed that question to their team—veterinarians and support team members alike—and the responses on the list included: UÊ-ÌÀiÃÃÊm>n>}iminÌ UÊ oÜÊÌoÊm>n>}iÊ«iÀÃon>lÊvin>nVià UÊ oÜÊÌoÊ`imonÃÌÀ>ÌiÊVonvi`inVi°Ê What would be on your team's list? R ev Them Up Businesses are continuing to invest in training even in this tight economy.4 Learning impacts the cul- ture of a practice by: UÊ nVÀi>Ãin}ÊVonvi`inViÊ UÊ,imin`in}ÊÌi>mÊmimLiÀÃÊÌh>ÌÊÌhiÞÊ>ÀiÊÛ>lÕi` UÊÊ Õil`in}ÊinÌiÀiÃÌÊ>n`ÊinÌi}À>ÌionÊivÊÌhiÊmiÌho`ÊovÊ training is correctly selected. -iiÊTable 2 to review ten ways to create a valuable training program for your practice. THE REALITIES Once you have determined which training tools are applicable to your team and practice, it is equally important to consider the expense factor. Setting a Budget Industry benchmarks give us a guideline as to how much should be allocated for your CE budget. Recent studies suggest that 0.5% of your gross revenue be applied to CE for your health care team, associate vet- erinarians, and management.5 It is recommended that you use your gross revenue from the previous year to TABLE 2. TEN TRAINING TOOLS FOR YOUR PRACTICE 1. Case-Based 2. Conferences & Meetings 3. Information Sharing 4. Investigation 5. Online Education 6. Mentoring r $PMMFDU DBTFT GPS EJTDVTTJPO BNPOH ZPVS UFBN r $POEVDU SPVOET XJUI UIF UFBN BU TIJGU DIBOHF UP FOTVSF UIBU FWFSZPOF MFBSOT IPX DBTFT are being handled. r 8IFUIFS OBUJPOBM PS MPDBM DPOGFSFODFT BOE NFFUJOHT BSF BO FYDFMMFOU XBZ UP SFDFJWF B variety of information at a single destination. r 7JTJU for a comprehensive list of CE opportunities. r 8IFO UFBN NFNCFST IBWF DPNQMFUFE B $& PQQPSUVOJUZ BTL UIFN UP QSPWJEF B presentation to the rest of the team. r 5IJT TVNNBSZ TIPVME JODMVEF XIBU UIFZ MFBSOFE BOE TVHHFTUJPOT PO IPX UP JNQMFNFOU UIJT information into everyday practice. r "TTFTT DMJFOU TFSWJDFT TUBOEBSET PG DBSF BOE FNQMPZFF VUJMJ[BUJPO BU PUIFS WFUFSJOBSZ practices or businesses. r 5IJT DBO PGUFO CF EPOF CZ HPJOH JOUP UIF CVTJOFTT BT B DMJFOU r "MMPX UFBN NFNCFST UP QVSTVF POMJOF EFHSFFT DFSUJGJDBUJPO BOE USBJOJOH XIJMF XPSLJOH BU the practice. r 'PS B MJTUJOH PG POMJOF DPVSTFT GPS WFUFSJOBSZ UFDIOJDJBOT BOE BTTJTUBOUT WJTJU; practice managers can receive certification from r 5SBJO UISPVHI HVJEBODF BOE QBSUOFS OFX UFBN NFNCFST XJUI TPMJE QFSGPSNFST GPS DPVOTFM and support. r 'PS UFBN NFNCFST JOUFSFTUFE JO TQFDJBMJ[BUJPO FYQMPSF UIF JEFB PG IFMQJOH UIFN GJOE B mentor through a university/college or specialty practice. 7. Boards, Colleges, & Academies 8. Standardized Training 9. Traditional Didactic 10. Webinars r 7FUFSJOBSJBOT BOE WFUFSJOBSZ UFDIOJDJBOT DBO QVSTVF TQFDJBMUZ SFDPHOJUJPO UISPVHI CPBSET DPMMFHFT BOE BDBEFNJFT directory/ associations_and_boards.asp or r /PU POMZ EPFT UIJT QSPDFTT QSPWJEF BEEJUJPOBM USBJOJOH CVU UIF QSBDUJDF CFOFGJUT GSPN IBWJOH credentialed specialists on staff. r %FWFMPQ FEVDBUJPOBM TUBOEBSET GPS UFBN NFNCFST r $SFBUF B TUSVDUVSFE USBJOJOH QSPDFTT XJUI PVUMJOFE QIBTFT PG USBJOJOH r 6TF UIJT NFUIPE JO DPOKVODUJPO XJUI PUIFS NFUIPET PG $& PS UP TUJNVMBUF JEFBT r 8IJMF TUJMM UIF NPTU QPQVMBS NFUIPE PG JOGPSNBUJPO EFMJWFSZ JU SFNBJOT MJNJUFE JO JUT USBOTGFS PG LOPXMFEHF r &NCSBDF; UIFTF POMJOF QSFTFOUBUJPOT UIBU BSF HSPXJOH JO QPQVMBSJUZ BOE DBO VTVBMMZ CF watched live or from an archive. r 5IFZ BSF DPTU FGGFDUJWF BOE UZQJDBMMZ QSPWJEF 2 " TFTTJPOT XJUI UIF QSFTFOUFS BOE PS discussion with other participants. July/August 2012 Today's Veterinary Practice 37

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