Contents of Today's Veterinary Practice - JAN-FEB 2012

Today's Veterinary Practice provides comprehensive information to keep every small animal practitioner up to date on companion animal medicine and surgery as well as practice building and management.

Page 38 of 83

Figure 11. Chronic pyoderma in a bulldog, resulting in raised, thickened lesions
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The second article in this series will be published in our next issue and will focus on topical and systemic treatment of canine pyoderma.
Figure 16. Cytology of bacterial and yeast overgrowth
Figure 17. Cytology of deep pyoderma; pyogranulomatous inflammation with intracellular cocci
January/February 2012 Today's Veterinary Practice 37
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Figure 12. Bacterial folliculitis in a dalmatian, resulting in multifocal areas of brownish, discolored hair ("dalmatian bronzing")
MIC = mean inhibitory concentration
References 1. Fitzgerald JR. The Staphylococcus intermedius group of bacterial pathogens: Species re-classification, pathogenesis and the emergence of methicillin resistance. Vet Derm 2009; 20:490-495.
2. Frank LA, Kania SA, Hnilica KA, et al. Isolation of Staphylococcus schleiferi from dogs with pyoderma. JAVMA 2003; 222(4):451-454.
3. May ER, Hnilica KA, Frank LA, et al. Isolation of Staphylococcus
Figure 13. When the dog in Figure 12 had its lesions shaved, the underlying papular dermatitis was revealed
Figure 14. Pyoderma cytology, demonstrating intra- and extracellular cocci
Figure 15. Cytology of bacterial overgrowth, demonstrating mixed cocci and rods