Today's Veterinary Practice

JUL-AUG 2012

Today's Veterinary Practice provides comprehensive information to keep every small animal practitioner up to date on companion animal medicine and surgery as well as practice building and management.

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| IMAGING ESSENTIALS IDENTIFYING ELBOW DYSPLASIA Elbow dysplasia is a group of developmental disorders that include: r "O VOVOJUFE BODPOFBM QSPDFTT PG UIF VMOB r 'SBHNFOUBUJPO PG UIF NFEJBM DPSPOPJE QSPDFTT PG UIF VMOB r 0TUFPDIPOESPTJT PTUFPDIPOESJUJT EJTTFDBOT PG UIF NFEJBM BTQFDU PG UIF IVNFSBM DPOEZMF &MCPX; EZTQMBTJB PDDVST JO ZPVOH SBQJEMZ HSPXJOH MBSHF UP HJBOU CSFFE EPHT "EEJUJPOBM SBEJP- graphic projections may be needed in order to define extent of pathology or isolate a given anatomic QBSU BMMPXJOH FBTJFS JEFOUJGJDBUJPO PG TVCUMF QBUIPMPHZ Flexed Mediolateral Projection This view allows direct evaluation of the anconeal process, which helps: r $POGJSN BO VOVOJUFE BODPOFBM QSPDFTT PG UIF QSPYJNBM VMOB r *EFOUJGZ FBSMZ EFHFOFSBUJWF DIBOHF FOUIFTFPQIZUF GPSNBUJPO BTTPDJBUFE XJUI UIF BODPOFBM QSPDFTT However, this view rotates the proximal ulna and obscures the margins of the medial coronoid pro- DFTT PG UIF QSPYJNBM VMOB 5IFSFGPSF UIJT SBEJPHSBQIJD QSPKFDUJPO TIPVME POMZ CF VTFE UP FWBMVBUF UIF BODPOFBM QSPDFTT OPU PUIFS BTQFDUT PG UIF FMCPX r 5IF EPH JT QMBDFE JO MBUFSBM SFDVNCFODZ XJUI UIF BGGFDUFE MJNC BHBJOTU UIF UBCMF A r " TQPOHF JT QMBDFE EPSTBMMZ VOEFS UIF TDBQVMB UP MJGU the thoracic spine, helping position the elbow later- BMMZ Figure 1B QBHF r 5IF BGGFDUFE MJNC JT UBQFE BOE QVMMFE DSBOJBMMZ BXBZ GSPN UIF UIPSBDJD DBWJUZ r 5IF FMCPX JT UIFO GMFYFE DSBOJBMMZ XJUI UIF EJTUBM QBSU PG UIF MJNC NBOVT QBX QMBDFE OFBS UIF NBO- EJCMF PS VOEFS UIF TLVMM Figure 5 r 5IF BSFB PG JOUFSFTU TIPVME OPU CF OFBS PS TVQFSJN- QPTFE PWFS UIF UIPSBDJD JOMFU PS TUFSOVN B r "T XJUI PUIFS FMCPX WJFXT UIF GJFME PG WJFX TIPVME include the proximal third of the radius and ulna and EJTUBM UIJSE PG UIF IVNFSVT Pronated Craniocaudal Evaluation This view helps evaluate the: r 5SPDIMFB PG UIF IVNFSBM DPOEZMF r .FEJBM DPSPOPJE QSPDFTT PG UIF VMOB r "EKBDFOU TVCDIPOESBM CPOF The dog can be placed in either sternal or lateral SFDVNCFODZ Figure 6 CVU UIF TUFSOBM UFDIOJRVF JT UIF FBTJFTU r 5IF FMCPX TIPVME CF QMBDFE JO UIF TBNF QPTJUJPO BT GPS B SPVUJOF DBVEPDSBOJBM QSPKFDUJPO BGGFDUFE UIPSBDJD MJNC QVMMFE DSBOJBMMZ r 5IF PMFDSBOPO TIPVME UIFO CF SPUBUFE BQQSPYJNBUFMZ UP EFHSFFT MBUFSBMMZ 5IJT TIJGUT UIF QPTJUJPO PG UIF Figure 5. (A) Dog positioned for a flexed mediolateral projection of the elbow. (B) Radiograph of an elbow with no abnormalities. 1 = distal diaphysis of the humerus; 2 = caudal margin of the medial epicondyle of the humerus; 3 = humeral condyle with superim- posed epicondyles (not visualized); 4 = radial head; 5 = medial coronoid process of the ulna; 6 = anconeal process of the ulna; 7 = tuber olecranon; 8 = proxi- mal diaphysis of the ulna; 9 = proximal diaphysis of the radius; 10 = nutrient canal of the radius along the caudal interosseous border FMCPX MBUFSBMMZ r 5IF JNBHF TIPVME JODMVEF UIF TBNF BOBUPNZ BT JO B routine craniocaudal image, with the olecranon in an PCMJRVF MBUFSBM QPTJUJPO TP UIF USPDIMFB NFEJBM IVNFSBM DPOEZMF BOE UIF NFEJBM DPSPOPJE QSPDFTT VMOB BSF NPSF BQQBSFOU Proximomedial to Distolateral 45-Degree Oblique Projection This view helps evaluate the medial coronoid process PG UIF VMOB 48 Today's Veterinary Practice July/August 2012

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